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'It deepens like a coastal shelf...' - The Open College of the Arts

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'It deepens like a coastal shelf…' thumb

'It deepens like a coastal shelf…'

‘…Get out as early as you can. And don’t have any kids yourself’ Unless you subscribe to Phillip Larkin‘s particularly dour view of the world, it is difficult not to be moved by CJ Clarke’s winning entry in the BJP’s inaugural Open Shutter Prize

One of the judges, Dominique Green, is quoted in the BJP as saying the film ‘…is clearly done by a photographer. It’s one that takes a step towards a new visual language that marries photography and film.’ I can only agree. The succession of stills; from baked beans to rice crispies to cigarette butt, slow you down and convey the experience of living in Cody’s world in what seems like a paradoxical 86 seconds.
The full BJP article is here and the full Mother and Daughter film can be seen on CJ Clarke’s website here

Posted by author: Genevieve Sioka

3 thoughts on “'It deepens like a coastal shelf…'

  • Brilliant piece of work here. I definitely agree with the comment that it must have been a photographer that created the video. It is essentially a series of stills that would almost work without the voice over. It reminds me of the times I have sat on a bus or in a car and framed potential shots as they happened, being frustrated that I was trapped in a vehicle and not capturing the split second that I viewed from the window….if only
    Bresson coined the phrase ‘the decisive moment’ It seems to me that this video is a series of ‘decisive moments’
    I tried to embed the video itself into my blog, but couldn’t find a way to do this, if anyone knows how it’s done I’d be grateful to hear from them.

  • Hi Anna
    Glad you liked it.
    If you click on the text ‘Mother & Daughter – Cody’s Story’ it will take you to the source video on the Vimeo site. You should then see four buttons on the top right hand side of the video image – click on the bottom image and then copy and paste the hypertext into your blog post. Good luck.

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